Welcome to Sunpower New Energy, where we stand at the forefront of the lithium-ion battery industry, providing exceptional products and services. As the best lithium ion battery company, we pride ourselves on empowering industries worldwide with our cutting-edge solutions and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Sunpower New Energy: Revolutionizing the Power Storage Landscape

  • A Legacy of Excellence and Expertise

With a rich legacy and expertise in the industry, the best lithium ion battery company Sunpower has established itself as a trusted name. Our parent company, Changhong Group, has played a pivotal role in our success, enabling us to drive innovation and deliver unparalleled solutions.

  • Unleashing Advanced Lithium-ion Battery Technologies

At Sunpower New Energy, we harness the power of advanced lithium-ion battery technologies. Through continuous research and development, we stay ahead of the curve, offering state-of-the-art products that meet the evolving needs of industries across the globe.

  • Meeting Industry Demands with Customizable Solutions

We understand that every industry has unique requirements. That’s why we provide customizable solutions tailored to specific applications. Whether it’s energy storage for telecommunications, transportation, or renewable energy integration, Sunpower New Energy delivers the perfect fit for our customers’ needs.


Unparalleled Performance and Reliability

  • Superior Energy Density and Longevity

Our lithium-ion batteries boast exceptional energy density, ensuring maximum power storage in minimal space. With extended lifecycle performance and high charge-discharge efficiency, our batteries offer longevity that surpasses industry standards.

  • Precision Engineering and Quality Assurance

At Sunpower New Energy, we prioritize precision engineering and stringent quality assurance. From the selection of premium materials to rigorous testing protocols, we ensure that our batteries consistently meet the highest standards of performance, reliability, and safety.


Sunpower New Energy: Your Trusted Partner for Success

  • Collaborative Approach and Customer-Centric Solutions

We believe in the power of collaboration. By working closely with our customers, we gain insights into their unique challenges and requirements. This collaborative approach allows us to develop customer-centric solutions that drive success and exceed expectations.

  • Unmatched Technical Support and After-Sales Service

As the best lithium ion battery company, we go above and beyond to provide unmatched technical support and after-sales service. Our knowledgeable team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that our customers receive prompt assistance, allowing them to leverage the full potential of our batteries.

  • Driving Industry Advancements through Research and Development

Innovation is at the core of Sunpower New Energy. We invest in extensive research and development efforts to drive industry advancements. By pushing the boundaries of lithium-ion battery technology, we contribute to the progress and sustainability of industries worldwide.



Sunpower New Energy is the best lithium ion battery company, empowering industries with the finest energy storage solutions. With our legacy of excellence, advanced technologies, and customer-centric approach, we deliver unmatched performance, reliability, and customization. Just in time for this Thanksgiving, partner with Sunpower New Energy and unlock the true potential of your industry with our exceptional lithium-ion batteries.

Sunpower New Energy